Triangle Icon

Leav Tours

Iegriez pasauli

ar Laini unArču!

Spin the world

with Laine and Arturs!

book now →

About us

Meet Laine and Arturs - that's us - two adventurers who ​began an epic journey in 2015

and never stopped.

We’re on our way to see

every single country in the world!

read more

Par mums

Laine un Arturs – tie esam mēs – divi piedzīvojumu meklētāji, ​kuri 2015. gadā uzsāka episku ceļojumu

apkārt pasaulei un tā arī nekad neapstājās.

Dodamies iepazīt ikkatru pasaules valsti!

lasīt vairāk

Stars Mystic Gleam
gold label for sale ad promo, discount sticker tag
Stars Mystic Gleam
Stars Mystic Gleam
Stars Mystic Gleam
gold label for sale ad promo, discount sticker tag
gold label for sale ad promo, discount sticker tag
gold label for sale ad promo, discount sticker tag


256 lpp.



318 lpp.



560 lpp.



496 lpp.


Stars Mystic Gleam
gold label for sale ad promo, discount sticker tag


368 lpp.

Stars Mystic Gleam
Stars Mystic Gleam
gold label for sale ad promo, discount sticker tag
gold label for sale ad promo, discount sticker tag


688 lpp.



448 lpp.


Black Right Arrow
Dried Flowers on Light Background

Iegriezīsim pasauli kopā!

Let’s spin the world


Simple Facebook Icon
Simple Youtube Icon
Simple Instagram Icon
Medium Round Icon



Map of Albania with national flag
andorra map and flag

Visited countries

Apmeklētās valstis

Map of Bangladesh with national flag
Map of Belarus with national flag
Argentina Map and Flag
Belize map city vector style color of country flag.
Australia Map with Flag
Map with flag of Austria
Map of Armenia - Flag
Map of Azerbaijan with Flag
Map of Colombia
Brazil Map
Bolivia Map Silhouette with Flag Isolated on White Background
Costa rica map city vector style color of country flag.
China Flag Country Map
Croatia map city vector style color of country flag.
Flag and Map of Chile
Cyprus map with waving flag.
Bhutan flag on map on transparent  background
Canada Map Flag
3d isometric Map of Bosnia with national flag
Cambodia map and flag illustration
Vector Image
Hungary map city vector style color of country flag.
Map with National Flag
3d isometric Map of Guatemala with national flag
Honduras map city vector style color of country flag.
Map Estonia on white background. Estonia vector map with the flag inside.
El Salvador map city vector style color of country flag.
Czech flag country shape
Map of Georgia with Flag
Ecuador map city vector style color of country flag.
3d isometric Map of France with national flag
Egypt map and flag illustration
Finland Country Silhouette with Flag on Background, Isolated on White
Map of Malaysia with Flag
Country and Flag of Laos
Lithuania flag map on white background. Lithuania vector map
Map with flag of Japan
Flag of Kosovo Map
Latvia map city vector style color of country flag.
Liechtenstein map with waving flag.
italy map
India Flag
3d isometric Map of Kyrgyzstan with national flag
Map of Kuwait with Flag
Country Map Geography
Map of Morocco with national flag
New Zealand map with waving flag.
Monaco map with waving flag.
Nepal Country Silhouette with Flag on Background, Isolated on White
map of North Macedonia with flag.
3d isometric Map of Moldova with national flag
Malta map with waving flag.
Nicaragua map city vector style color of country flag.
Norway flag map shape  2023050334
Mexico map and flag
3d isometric Map of Mongolia with national flag
3d isometric Map of Maldives with national flag
Montenegro map city vector style color of country flag.
San Marino Flag Simple Illustration for Independence Day or Election
3d isometric Map of Peru with national flag
Serbia map city vector style color of country flag.
Philippines Flag and Map
Map with flag of Russia
3d isometric Map of Paraguay with national flag
3d isometric Map of Portugal with national flag
Poland Country Silhouette with Flag on Background, Isolated on White
Map of Panama with Its Flag
Singapore Flag Map Icon, Flat Style
Pakistan Country Silhouette with Flag on Background, Isolated on White
Türkiye flag
Country and Flag of Thailand
3d isometric Map of United Kingdom with national flag
Romania Map
Map of Ukraine
Slovenia vector map with the flag inside.
spain map with flag
Map of South Korea with Flag
Sweden Country Silhouette with Flag on Background, Isolated on White
Slovakia flag pin map location 20230506106
Sri Lanka - Map Colored with Sri Lankan Flag
United Arab Emirates Map Flat Icon
Map with flag of Switzerland
Vietnam Map with Flag
Map with flag of Uruguay
Vatican City map city vector style color of country flag.
Denmark map with waving flag.
Map of USA

About us

Star Shimmer
white star glow effect

In that lucky year of 2015, we boldly decided to leave behind our jobs and apartment to explore the world.

We had no idea what we were getting into but looking back it was the best decision we’ve ever made.

Over 17 months, we hitchhiked through 64 countries across 5 continents,

experiencing the world in ways we never imagined possible.

As 2017 unfolds, the debut book "North America's Cocktail" hits the shelves and our path leads us to England for work. ​After six months, we`re returning home, and celebrating our wedding day on May 5, 2018, marking a union that ​embodies the strength we've gained as a team. But can this truly be the end? No, it’s just the beginning!

In autumn 2018, we go across some of the largest countries on the globe – Russia, China, India... Our hitchhiking ​adventures lead us through the vast Australian desert, and we spend a year in New Zealand on a working holiday visa. ​With four more travel books in the works, the future holds countless more exciting destinations for us to explore!

What’s next? Surprisingly even for us, we found ourselves in China on a teaching adventure during the global ​pandemic. Despite the challenges, we made the most of our time, traveling through 31 of China's 34 provinces and ​venturing into Mongolia, marking our 88th country visited. And that’s not it!

We are now on our way to all the countries in Africa. It’s going to be big.

Join us as we continue to explore, to learn, and to share the wonders of the world! Let's spin the world together!

Par mums

Star Shimmer
white star glow effect

Tajā laimīgajā 2015. gadā mēs drosmīgi nolēmām atstāt savu darbu un dzīvokli, lai iepazītu pasauli.

Mums nebija ne mazākās jausmas, kas mūs sagaida, bet, atskatoties atpakaļ,

tas bija labākais lēmums, kādu jebkad esam pieņēmuši.

17 mēnešu laikā ar autostopiem izbraucām cauri 64 valstīm 5 kontinentos,

izbaudot pasauli tādos veidos, kādus nekad nebijām iedomājušies.

Pēc ceļojuma 2017. gadā plauktos nonāk debijas grāmata "Ziemeļamerikas kokteilis", un mūsu ceļš aizved mūs uz ​Angliju. Pēc sešiem darba mēnešiem atgriežamies mājās un 2018. gada 5. maijā svinam savu kāzu dienu, atzīmējot ​spēcīgo savienību, ko ceļojot kā komanda bijām ieguvuši. Bet vai tās tiešām varētu būt beigas? Nē, tas ir tikai sākums!

2018. gada rudenī dodamies pāri dažām no lielākajām pasaules valstīm – Krievijai, Ķīnai, Indijai...

Mūsu autostopu piedzīvojumi ved mūs cauri milzīgajam Austrālijas tuksnesim, pēc kā gadu pavadām Jaunzēlandē ar ​darba-brīvdienu vīzu. Iznāk vēl četras ceļojumu grāmatas, un nākotne solās būt arvien aizraujošāka.

Bet kas notiek tālāk? Par pārsteigumu pat mums, globālās pandēmijas laikā Ķīnā sākām mācīt angļu valodu. ​Neskatoties uz izaicinājumiem, izmantojām savu laiku tur, un iepazinām 31 no 34 Ķīnas provincēm,

kā arī iekāpām Mongolijā, atzīmējot 88. apmeklēto valsti. Un tas vēl nav viss!

Tagad esam ceļā uz visām Āfrikas valstīm. Tas būs kas liels.

Pievienojies mums, kamēr turpinām izpētīt, mācīties un dalīties ar pasaules brīnumiem! Iegriezīsim pasauli kopā!